Should low early vote turnout worry Democrats?

Are you a Democrat experiencing night sweats?  Then you’ve probably seen the report out of Nevada that some groups – young voters and new/lapsed voters – likely to support Obama haven’t yet overwhelmed the early voter rolls this month. 

Those are scary revelations, but is there really reason to be worried?  Here’s why I don’t think any of these statistics tell us anything useful:

1) New voters are inexperienced, and are also likely somewhat hesitant, at least when it comes to showing up to vote.  That means that they may not realize that they can vote early- and will have an easier time just running with the herd on November 4th.

2) Early voting is generally for the enthusiastic voter (that, and the early bird voter who hopes to minimize their wait in line . . . there have already been 2-5 hour waits in Florida).

3) Young voters are famous for not bothering to vote because, well, they are just a tiny bit lazier than the rest of us (they also tend to not be moved by the candidates).  They procrastinate.  They write their term papers the night before it’s due.  So is anyone really all that shocked that they aren’t first in line to vote early?

This is not to say that Democrats don’t still have reason to worry over turnout.  New and lapsed voters have old habits to break and new ones to learn.  They are easier to sidetrack, confuse and intimidate.  Getting them all to the polls will demand continued attention from the Obama campaign and its volunteers until the polls close on November 4th.  

Frankly, the most important thing about early voting numbers this time around is that we want to continue seeing record-breaking turnout.  The more folks who vote now, the less mischief and waiting the rest of us will encounter when we get to the polls next Tuesday.

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