Posts Tagged Bill Clinton’s temper

Bill: Get over it, will ya?!

I know that some people have speculated that Clinton lost the ability to contain his seething temper tantrums in public after undergoing bypass surgery 4 years ago.  (Note: the link above has a quick and dirty post-mortem of Bill Clinton’s behavior in the primaries) That might explain little crazy hiccups like yelling at a reporter on the campaign trail for Hillary.  I’m not sure it explains this:

Seriously?  Has Bill Clinton never seen the clip of John McCain’s meanspirited Chelsea Clinton joke, that should, given Bill’s demonstrated ability to hold a grudge, make his blood boil even today?

And is he really A-okay with Sarah Palin calling Hillary a whiner in the primary and then turning 180 degrees to claim the torch – and to “break that glass ceiling” – that he, Bill, as in President, Clinton worked so hard to pass to his hand-picked successor, Hillary?

When Bill Clinton gets started, you never know where he’ll end up.  So, naturally his performance on Letterman the other night was just what the Democratic party ordered.  It was nothing apocalyptic, just eerie.  He mostly talked mostly about Hillary, and as little as possible about the Democratic nominee for president, Barack Obama.  “Is it me, or did he not want to say the words ‘Barack Obama?” cracked comedian Chris Rock, who followed Clinton on the show.

Paul Slansky over at the Huffington Post calls on Clinton to put aside his obvious grudge against the Democratic nominee, arguing that if it hadn’t been for Clinton’s misbehavior with a certain intern, “we would never have had the odious George W. Bush in the White House in the first place.”  So, Slansky argues, Bill Clinton owes it to all of us to work his heart out to elect Barack Obama.

We see you petulantly rooting against him even as you go through the motions of doing the barest minimum on his behalf to avoid being blamed if he loses. You’re not fooling anyone, Bill. You’ve gotten so caught up in yesterday that you’ve stopped thinking about tomorrow. You have the power to influence millions of voters and you’re spitefully sitting on it . . .

. . . If Obama loses a close election — one in which even one state where you could have made a difference goes for McCain because you sat home and pouted — it will be on you. We will remember that you couldn’t be bothered to rise above your petty resentments for something as trivial as saving your country from the enemies of everything you profess to believe in. We forgave you for Monica, Bill, but we won’t forgive you for this.

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