Posts Tagged interactive electoral map

Want the real electoral math?

Ever wish you could just pick the president yourself instead of sitting on the sidelines wringing your hands?  You can do just that here.

So, I did the math and here’s the upshot–this election is still Obama’s to lose.  Why?  Obama can lose Ohio, Nevada, New Mexico, Virginia, Colorado, New Hampshire and even Minnesota, while still winning with 270 electoral votes to 262 for John McCain.  (Caveat: my math could be off by a vote or two because Maine and Nebraska allocate their electoral votes, rather than being winner-take-all contests.)

Under that scenario, if Obama were to lose Michigan too, he’d need to pick up Minnesota and New Mexico instead, both of which are still gettable (Obama is still favored in the latest Minnesota polls). If he were to lose both Minnesota and Michigan, he’d need to pick up Colorado and New Hampshire (where Obama is up 6 points post-Palin).

If Obama were to keep Minnesota in his column but lose Pennsylvania, where he has been consistently up but not by much, he would need to keep Michigan, Colorado, and New Hampshire, or else Michigan, New Mexico and Colorado.

So whenever you start to get a little nervous about this race, just do the math.

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