Posts Tagged politics as usual

Palin’s hollow platform

The other day I watched Fox News’ Sean Hannity sit down with Sarah Palin.  It wasn’t exactly a game of “Stump the Candidate.”  And because it wasn’t, it was an excellent opportunity to practice the campaign talking points.  Here are a few excerpts from Governor Palin:

And in that cronyism — it’s symptomatic of the greater problem that we see right now in Washington and that is just that acceptance of the status quo, the politics as usual, the cronyism that has been allowed to be accepted and then it leads us to a position like we are today with so much collapse on Wall Street.

And that’s why John McCain tapped me to be a team of mavericks, of independents coming in there without the allegiances to that cronyism, to that good ole’ boy system.

As a team member in this — on this new team promising the reform. Reform that actually happens is tough and you can’t just talk about it . . . 

Well, I just recognized that there — as John McCain talked about on the campaign trail, also — it doesn’t matter which party it is that is just kind of creating the good-old-boy network and the cronyism.

And it’s that commitment that John McCain is articulating today, getting in there, reforming the way that Wall Street has been allowed to work, stopping the abuses and that violation of the public trust that too many CEOs and top management of some of these companies, that abuse there has got to stop.

That’s the reform that we’ve got to get in there and make sure that this happens. That’s why there hasn’t been the reform of the abuse of the earmark process. And real reform is tough and you do ruffle feathers along the way.

And I will focus on energy independence and reform overall of Washington and tax cuts for Americans and reigning in spending.  

We’ve got to put government and these regulatory agencies back on the side of the people. They want to know if government is going to be put back on the side of the people and that it will be their will implemented in their government. 

But I so respected John McCain, his maverick streak in him there really being made manifest in choosing someone who has a track record of that commitment to reform, of being able to share the examples of the reform.

We’re moving forward on a ticket of reform. I have an opportunity to respond and to join a teammate here — John McCain — in reform, putting government back on the side of the people

Copy Cat alert: Overreacting to Governor Brian Schweitzer trying to take credit for Democrat Jon Tester getting elected to the Senate in 2006, Montana state GOP chairman (and chief of staff to Montana’s lone Republican in Congress, Denny Rehberg) appears to be clutching the same campaign memo for dear life:
This is the sort of good-old-boy cronyism and politics as usual that folks all across Montana and America are rightly fed up with,” GOP Chairman Erik Iverson said. 

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