Anne Kilkenny speaks

Wow.  I’m so late to the party.  I know I JUST blogged about how Palinvestigating is not productive, with the world hanging in the balance and all.  But I have to share an email I just stumbled on. 
It was written 10 days ago by Anne Kilkenny, a Wasilla, AK housewife and community activist (and registered Democrat) in an attempt to give some context to inquiring friends and family when news of McCain’s Veep selection got out.

The email is extremely rich in detail on countless issues.  It is not gossip rag stuff, it is the stuff you want to know about someone running for higher office, and from someone you could certainly argue is biased, but has borne witness to 16 years of Palin.  The letter itself- 2400 words long!- is here and a McClatchy wire story on who this woman is and some of the highlights of the famous email is here.

I’ll comment about this later, I’m sure.  For now, I just want to put them out there for folks to digest.

And then here is this story I found on the WSJ website.  It appears the mainstream media is now comfortable stating for the record that indeed Palin did not kill the bridge to nowhere, she in fact supported it, gave a consolation speech to its supporters when Congress withdrew the support, and then reprogrammed the unspent money (aside from the funds used to built the lead in to the bridge) elsewhere in the state.

Sarah Palin dissing the bridge to nowhere

Sarah Palin dissing the bridge to nowhere

A key factoid comes out at the end of the article, on the larger issue of earmarks.  Team McCain says Obama has requested $1 billion for Illinois.  WSJ says its more like $316 million in ’07, none in ’08 and that Palin, as governor these last two budget cycles, has requested more than $700 million.

1 Comment »

  1. informyourconsent said

    Comment from a reader over email- wanted to include this comment for fact-check purposes:

    Hey, you’ve probably already seen this but if not, it’s interesting. Not all of Kilkenny’s email is true (palin apparently didn’t try and ban any books, she just asked ‘what if’ – which is a bit of a smoking gun to me but facts are facts) but if half of what she wrote is correct, egads.

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