Archive for September 18, 2008

Ouch! Hagel’s straight talk helps Obama

Senator Chuck Hagel is a prominent Republican war hero, a social conservative and staunch realist on global affairs.  He often crosses party lines in the Senate, and has been a vocal critic against the handling of the Iraq war.  Hagel’s no-nonsense pragmatism, particularly in foreign affairs, have gained him the respect of Americans in Nebraska and around the country.  So he has been closely watched, first to see if he would run for president, and when he did not, whether either John McCain or Barack Obama might tap him for the VP slot.  And, the media has been asking, who will Chuck endorse?

Well he has stayed on the sidelines until now.  While Hagel didn’t come right out and endorse Senator Obama, he has done something actually more valuable: he has raised serious doubts about the readiness of Sarah Palin for the vice presidency, and by extension, the judgment of John McCain for selecting the governor as his running mate.

“She doesn’t have any foreign policy credentials,” Hagel said in an interview published Thursday by the Omaha World-Herald. “You get a passport for the first time in your life last year? I mean, I don’t know what you can say. You can’t say anything.”

“I think it’s a stretch to, in any way, to say that she’s got the experience to be president of the United States,” Hagel said.

“I think they ought to be just honest about it and stop the nonsense about, ‘I look out my window and I see Russia and so therefore I know something about Russia,'” he said. “That kind of thing is insulting to the American people.”

“But I do think in a world that is so complicated, so interconnected and so combustible, you really got to have some people in charge that have some sense of the bigger scope of the world,” Hagel said. “I think that’s just a requirement.”

The latest poll numbers show that undecided voters may be thinking the same thing.

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Move along, these are not the fundamentals you’re looking for

Looks like Team Obama is finally hitting McCain where it ought to hurt- on his complete lack of interest or concern for the economy ever since the credit crunch hit.

This tough new ad shows McCain repeating the refrain “but the fundamentals of the economy are strong,” over and over again in recent months.  After he foolishly repeated that line again on September 15, following the Merrill Lynch fire sale and the Lehman Brothers bust, and as AIG hung on for its financial life by a thread, he and Sarah Palin both insisted that everyone is just confusing his “verbiage” (a fancy choice of word for ‘word choice’).  He was actually referring to the American workforce and American ingenuity, and those are still very strong.  And as a matter of fact (taken to its logical Rovian conclusion), how dare Senator Obama insult the fine workers of America by suggesting that they are not strong, or that they have done anything wrong?

But, time and again, John McCain has brushed off the credit crisis with that “the fundamentals are strong” line, never once suggesting his own unique definition of the economic fundamentals–never, except after the Obama campaign jumped all over him for repeating this counterintuitive belief in the wake of such historic financial turmoil.  Actually, Obama has been hitting McCain for saying this for a while now, but it is only now that the media started to notice.

Economists refer to a number of indicators as “the fundamentals” of the economy in order to measure the overall health of it.  Here are some of the answers I have seen in a cursory web search for what those indicators are: Government deficits, savings rates , company profits, productivity, job growth, stability of the Banking system, purchasing power index, exports and imports balance, dollar value, gross domestic product…. Do any ONE of these appear strong to you, dear readers?  When you look at all of these fundamentals, it kind of frightens you, doesn’t it?

Which is why those aren’t the fundamentals John McCain wants to talk about.

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