From Russia with love

Have you heard the news?  Russia and Venezuela are dating.

Shall we dance?

Shall we dance?

And, they are auditioning to replace Iraq and North Korea on the Axis of Evil.  This Business Investors Daily article contemplates what would happen to our foreign oil imports if Russia and Venezuela ever decided to –I’m really not sure here–blockade the sea lanes through which the shipments have to travel.  Is such a scenario truly possible?  Perhaps if nuclear warheads were onboard…  Though, for now, they are just conducting joint military exercises in the Caribbean, so there’s nothing to be worried about.

I jest, but only a little.  We would do well to engage Russia now, because which each complacent provocation we initiate (NATO enlargement, Missile Defense Shield in every country that was ever allied with Russia), Vladimir Putin is prepared to see ours and raise it two belligerent “oh yeah?!”‘s in response.

Case in point, did anyone notice that Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister traveled to Cuba last month, along with their National Security chief, and that upon receiving his glowing report on the visit, and personal greetings from Raul, Putin declared “We should restore our position in Cuba and other countries.”

Of course, Investors Business Daily thinks the smart money is on our oil, which is not surprising to hear from an investors magazine.  But what will the candidates say in their debate, because surely a resurgent Russia will a hot topic.  Good thing Palin’s got a leg up on that one.

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